Ace the FTCE ESE K-12 Test 2024 – Empower Your Teaching Superpowers!

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In creating an Individualized Education Plan (IEP), which of the following is a crucial initial step?

Calculating financial resources

Assessing the student’s needs

Assessing the student’s needs is indeed a crucial initial step in creating an Individualized Education Plan (IEP). This assessment involves gathering information about the student’s abilities, challenges, and specific requirements. It focuses on understanding the learner’s academic performance, social skills, and any related services they might need. This comprehensive understanding ensures the IEP is tailored to support the student's unique needs effectively, thereby setting a solid foundation for developing meaningful educational goals and services. The other options, while they hold importance, are secondary to the foundational step of assessing needs. Understanding a student's needs is essential before determining the financial resources or assigning personnel. Parental consent is also necessary, but it typically comes after there is clarity on the student's requirements and the proposed plan for addressing those needs. Therefore, assessing the student’s needs is a critical first step in the IEP development process.

Assigning a general education teacher

Securing parental consent


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