FTCE Exceptional Student Education (ESE) K-12 Practice Test

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What does P.L. 99-506 focus on?

Supported employment demonstration projects.

P.L. 99-506, also known as the Supported Employment Act, specifically focuses on promoting and funding supported employment demonstration projects. This legislation aims to assist individuals with disabilities in obtaining and maintaining competitive employment in integrated settings. Through the development of these demonstration projects, the law seeks to evaluate effective strategies and services that can help individuals with disabilities succeed in the workforce, thereby enhancing their independence and quality of life. The context of this legislation is vital, as it contributes to the broader discussion of employment opportunities for people with disabilities and highlights the importance of support services in achieving meaningful employment outcomes. By prioritizing supported employment, this law operates under the belief that individuals with disabilities can attain gainful employment when provided with the appropriate resources, encouragement, and assistance.

Financial support for daycare centers.

Expansion of special education services.

Scholarships for higher education.


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